(512) 555-3036
Professional Culinary Arts
Program: Our 15-month, full-time program will introduce
you professional techniques and recipes that reflect the current
needs of the commercial cooking industry.
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Pastry Arts Program: Our 6-month pastry and baking program is designed to give you a solid foundation in the Pastry Arts and prepare you to become a professionally trained pastry professional.
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There are so many things to tell you about Academie it is difficult to know where to start.
We've been running classes here since 1983.
Unlike any other cookery school in the world we are located in the middle of a 100-acre, organic farm of which ten acres are devoted to organic market gardens, orchards and greenhouses. This means that our students can learn to cook using the finest and freshest of ingredients. It also means guaranteed quality and variety - for instance, we grow over 40 different types of tomato alone! Plus, of course, it is incredibly peaceful and beautiful.
The fact that we are on a farm has affected the sort of school we are in other ways.
Our state-of-the-art kitchens - indeed, all the school buildings including the dining room, lecture rooms, library and self-catering accommodation - are located in delightful former farm buildings.
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The lineage of finely trained chefs can be traced to the disciplined skills and innovative recipes of Academie. No other figure in history has done more for the development and modernization of French cuisine and for raising the stature of cooking to respected career paths in the culinary arts.
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At the Academie School of Culinary Arts, we offer specialized programs for aspiring chefs and pastry arts professionals. Our outstanding faculty of experienced chef educators is committed to preparing America's next generation of culinary professionals for exciting, satisfying careers.
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